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Thursday, August 18, 2016

My Top Ten Books: #4

My Top Ten Books is a series of short book reviews.

#4 on my list is written by Ed Dunlop. Escape to Liechtenstein.

This book is set in the second world war in Austria. Hans and Gretchen, the main characters, live in a small village by themselves. Their mother was killed and their father was forced to serve for the Nazis.

It starts out a peaceful day but when Gretchen sees Nazi soldiers walking towards the village she yells for Hans, “Nazi soldiers are coming! What will we do!?” Hans being a good brother said calmly back to her, “stay quiet and calm maybe they won't come here.” But they did come...

Bang Bang, “open up!” Said a Nazi soldier, “open up!” “We're coming,” Hans called, “just a moment.”
The soldiers asked if they were the only ones there and they answered truthfully saying yes. The soldiers were looking for a runaway boy and asked again if they were the only ones there. But the soldiers had to find out for themselves. They rummaged through every room turning them all upside down to no avail. They went out to the barn to search but they finally gave up. So after all that Hans and Gretchen were finally by themselves again with a huge mess to clean up and even more hatred for those Nazis!

They looked down into the village and saw all the Nazi soldiers marching through the streets finally leaving the village alone. Then Hans heard something up in the loft of the barn, “be quiet Gretchen I hear something.” A board creaked then another, someone was up in the loft! Hans and Gretchen moved over quietly to where they could see the intruder but he couldn't see them. The intruder started backing down the ladder! Will this intruder be armed and dangerous!? Or will he be friendly and kind!? Read the book to find out!

This book makes my top five because it tells the story of hate changing into sympathy While still having plenty of suspense and action. So if you love Historical Fiction look this book up and maybe give it a try!

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