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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

My Top Ten Books: #3

My Top Ten Books is a series of short book reviews.

The next book on my list was written by Carolyn Reeder, Shades of Gray.

Now don't get this book confused with the movie 50 Shades of Gray because this book is completely different than the movie. It's actually a story based right after the end of the Civil War.

The main character, Will Page, has to go live with his Uncle and Aunt because his entire family died during the war. Will comes into his Uncle's household thinking that he was a traitor for not fighting for the South even though he didn't fight for the North either. So you can pretty much see where this is going. Will doesn't like his Uncle, so when he tells Will to call him by his name right then and there Will vows to himself that he will never call his Uncle by name... EVER. So the time passes and Will starts to see that his Uncle didn't fight because he was a traitor or coward but because his Uncle simply didn't believe in what the war was fighting for. At least that's what Will was told. But he was never going to believe it! He would never call his Uncle by name right? Or would time mold Will?

Well you'll just have to read the book to find out!

I would highly recommend this book to all the history lovers out there. Even though the story might be fictional it tells what a lot of families had to go through after the war. And I'm not talking about thinking that your Uncle is a traitor. I'm talking about the struggles the war brought for the well being of farmers and a lot of other occupations in the South.

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