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Friday, August 26, 2016

My Top Ten Books: #2

My Top Ten Books is a series of short book reviews.

The top two books on my list aren't really ranked because they are my all time favorites. With that said the #2 book on my list is written by Romaine Stauffer, Aaron's Civil War.

This book is based on a true story, every character but one or two was actually a real person. Romaine Stauffer is a descendant of the family in the book.

The Stauffer family lives in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania on a farm. Aaron's father has just died and it has been a rough time without him. But -skipping through time a bit- Aaron's mother eventually remarries Abraham Brubaker and that's when things started to change even more than it already had. The Brubakers lived in Snyder County which was a days trip away. When Aaron heard that his mother was moving there he didn't like it. Then when he heard that his brother Enos was going too, and Aaron had to stay and help his older brother David with the farm. He hated it even more. “I've been pushed around all my life, somebody is always telling me what to do, when to do it, and where to go. I'm sick of it,” thought Aaron. Skipping through time a little more- Aaron is now sixteen and the Civil War has been going for two years now. Aaron and a couple of his friends meet in the barn next to the church meeting house and talk for a little bit and then they all end up agreeing to go to Camp Curtin, the troops training base. So a couple nights later Aaron meets with his friend on a road off his farm, they wait for someone else but when he doesn't come they move on. As they start to see the outline of buildings in the small town they hear someone running up to them, they turn around and see......... Well you'll just have to read the book to find out.

I don't even know where to begin with this book it is sooo good. But I'll try and put it into words for you. This book tells the story of someone who sees “glory” (the war) and wants it, but finds out it isn't glory at all. It's just gory and not good whatsoever. After the war, Aaron struggles with the thought that he might have killed someone and that not even God can forgive him. It becomes his own personal Civil War. And make sure to read the epilogue at the end. It tells some more about what happened after the end of the book that's really interesting.

If you think you might want to read this book here is a link, https://www.amazon.com/Aarons-Civil-War-Romaine-Stauffer/dp/087813705X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1472141272&sr=8-1&keywords=Aarons+civil+war+romaine+stauffer

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