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Monday, July 11, 2016

My Top Ten Books #5

My Top Ten Books is a series of short book reviews.

The next book on my list is written by Gary Paulsen. The Legend of Bass Reeves.

This book is set in the mid 19th century. Bass Reeves, the main character, is just a boy of ten. He is one of three slaves on “the mister's” ranch, Mammy, Flowers, who doesn't talk, and Bass. At this time in history the Comanches are the feared tribe of Indians. And one day as Bass is out hunting he hears hoofs patting on the ground. They come nearer and nearer until the horse, no eight horses, It's a Comanche party! Bass tries to find a quick hiding spot but only manages to crouch down into some tall grass. As you probably guessed already Bass is really scared at this point. But he is also a little curious. The leader of the party starts to scan the area and when he looks in Bass's direction, Bass almost pees in his pants with fear. But to Bass's surprise, the Indians just start on the trail again. Bass is saved! Then it hits him. This could be an Indian raiding party! He quickly stands and runs home to tell everyone that there could be an Indian raid coming! What will happen? Will the Comanches raid the mister's ranch? If so what will happen to everyone there?

This book is full of adventure and classic western stories. It is one of the best Historical Fiction books I have ever read. So if you like nail biting westerns, Historical Fiction, or just a good book. This is the book for you! The only complaint I have about this book is that there are unneeded swear words through out the book. So probably not the best book for children.

If you do want to read this book, here is the link,https://www.amazon.com/Legend-Bass-Reeves-Gary-Paulsen/dp/0553494295

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