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Sunday, June 26, 2016

My Top 10 Books: #8

This is a series of short book reviews of my top ten books. I will post every two days.

Number 8 on my list is written by Jules Verne. Journey to the Center of the Earth

It is a story based in the 19th century and is written in a way that the main character narrates the story.
The main character is Henry and his Uncle is Professor Hardwigg. They live in Germany in a nice house and they both are scientists.

Professor Hardwigg finds an old document from the 16th century that was written by Arne Saknussemm, an Icelandic explorer. The Professor says that the two of them won't eat until he figures out what it says. It takes the Professor a whole day to figure it out and even then Henry is the one who figures it out. The document has the directions to the center of the earth inscribed on it!

And thus the journey begins. The Professor makes arrangements to leave in the next few days and Henry must come with him. Henry thinks that this is a ludicrous idea but he is forced to go with his uncle. After collecting all the items needed, they leave for Iceland. Even after having a horrible time at sea, they eventually make it. The Professor says he never wants to ride on a boat again and they continue their journey. Their final goal is to get to the top of Mount Sneffels where the supposed entrance to the center of the earth is. Along the way they stay in stranger's houses and some of them are kind but some of them... not so much. Also along the way they recruit a guide, Hans, who is an Eider-Duck hunter and is a very brawny guy but doesn't talk much. Hans proves to be very useful. Eventually they make it to the top of Sneffels and start their descent into the center of the earth!

This book is a very well written book and keeps you turning the page. Jules Verne's writing style is very unique. If you like reading Science Fiction, or more specifically, adventure, you should take some timeand read it. I mean come on, it's only 250 pages!

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