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Thursday, March 16, 2017

An Ear, and a God

It was a normal morning,
All was well,
But his ear started to bother,
This was not a simple matter,
My ear hurts” he complained,
To his mother he did.

Days went by and his ear continued to hurt,
Simple remedies seemed useless,
As his ear just became worse.

Then one morning,
A week after his complaint,
His ear was dis-formed,
And not in correct manner,
My ear does not seem right”
He stated to his mother,
This surely is not good,”
His mother proclaimed.

To the doctor they went,
In a hurry,
No less,
The doctor said surgery,
The boy is not pleased,
He is scared to say the least.

To the hospital they drive,
The situation is dire.

They pray for the child,
That the operation would be successful.

The operating room he enters,
Laying flat on his back,
Bright lights all around,
Then poof!
All is black.

The boy wakes up,
In a room with his family,
They rejoice,
Their prayers had been answered,
God had been with him,
During that dire situation.

This is a true story,
And God is with you,
Whether your situation,
Is dire or not.

When things are not looking up,
Do not be afraid to pray,
Whether quiet or loud,
Because He hears you,
And He will answer.

And even when it seems,
That he will not answer,
He will,
Just at the time that is right.

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