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Friday, November 4, 2016

An Achievable Small Business

There are many small businesses out there in the world, from baking to fixing things. But in this short paper I'll talk about one small business that is achievable. Lawn mowing.

I have already started a quasi lawn mowing business, but there are a few things that could make it even more successful and I want to share my ideas with you.
First you need to have a mower that works. Once you have that, create a name (i.e. A/M Lawncare etc.) To start just hand write a flier with your options on it and then copy it in a copier. Make sure it includes either your phone number or e-mail address.
Second you need to come up with those options that will be available to potential customers. A few examples are:
Mowing (obviously)
Leaf Removal
Weeding (pull weeds in their garden)
Snow Removal and
Shrub Trimming
Now this might seem like a lot of work for you but remember, you can only do what you have available. So, for example, if you wrote down that you can remove snow but you don't have a snow blower that won't go to well for someone who wants snow removed. It wouldn't be good for your reputation at all. So I say all that to say, go down the list of possible options and by process of elimination, eliminate the things you can't do.
Third go around your neighborhood and tape the fliers to people's mailboxes. And what I like to do is for the people you know need someone to mow their lawn. Go up to their door with a flier and tell them about it. It creates a relationship between you and the customer. That way they are more likely to remember you over the bigger lawn care businesses.

Fourth BE ON TIME. Being on time is 80% of the the job the other 20% is hard work. But being at your customers house the day you said you would be there is KEY! It is especially important for the first few months. It leaves a good first impression and you only get one!

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